Why are Elektra Magnesium® body care products better?
Elektra Magnesium® (Cream, Lotion, Oil, and Flakes ) products offer the most dense nutrient load in body care products available with a highly absorbable and usable natural magnesium chloride reaching cells faster and more efficiently than digestion of oral tablets or powders.
Magnesium body care is natural and very effective. Elektra Magnesium® products are very ‘user-friendly’ and pleasant to use on a regular daily basis, leaving the skin in beautiful condition. The skin, via trans-dermal absorption, acts as a nutrient reservoir that the body can draw from as needed.
Elektra Magnesium® Cream combines food grade magnesium chloride salt flakes with rich plant oils and butters for optimal skin conditioning treatment and anti-aging rejuvenating effects. Elektra Magnesium® Cream is also ideal for the more sensitive skin type or for children because its rich fats help to soothe and protect skin. Elektra Magnesium® Oil Spritz is an extra strength high concentration magnesium oil spray formulated for better absorption without sticky or irritating residue. Use it when you need more magnesium for muscle massage. You can combined these products to suit your individual needs and skin type. Please see our information pages for each product category for magnesium body care.
Elektra Magnesium® products have been developed since 2009 and are formulated with the highest quality natural ingredients, avoiding the use of toxic chemicals. They are manufactured in Australia in a TGA accredited facility according to the highest GMP manufacturing standards.
Australian Made with Quality Natural, Organic Ingredients
Elektra Magnesium Cream has about 20 ingredients. There is no other cream or lotion on the market that is so full of nutrients as Elektra Magnesium Cream – the original and still the best!
It is packed with potent wild sourced magnesium chloride (food grade), and vitamin-rich raw Shea butter plus other plant oils offering a balanced broad spectrum of omega 3, 6 and 9.
Most Chemicals are cheap. Natural, organic plant oils cost more. Elektra Magnesium Creams contain the highest quality natural ingredients and no useless or wasted ingredients such as thickeners to pad out a watery liquid or magnesium oil, or merely a small token of plant oils to turn the magnesium oil white in color as in other brands.
Read labels! The ingredients lower on the ingredients list of labels are the smallest components. If the plant oils are nearer the bottom then they are present only in small quantity.
When checking labels, also look for the presence of toxic ingredients because what goes on goes in. There are now many toxic chemical ingredients in skin care products. Common ones to avoid are parabens, phenoxyethanol, dimethicone, oxybenzoates, pthalates, and petrochemical products like paraffin.
In addition, there are now other products that call themselves ‘magnesium cream’ but are only just a thick paste, which is hard to absorb and stays on the surface of the skin feeling sticky and irritating. They are priced at around $50 per 100g, which is more than double the price of Elektra Magnesium Cream.
Volume for volume Elektra Magnesium Cream trumps them all in nutritional delivery, absorb-ability, and beautiful skin conditioning properties – as well as THE best value for money!
They just feel sooooo good! Enjoy…
Why Magnesium Chloride is More Bioavailable Compared to Other Magnesium Compounds (Oral Tablets and Powders)
Chloride is the most abundant mineral electrolyte in the body. For us to be able to use the metals of magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium etc they need to be bound to chloride to be ionised and fully absorbed into the water molecule – in a sense swallowed up by the water. In that form (eg. magnesium chloride, sodium chloride) the electrolytes are biologically available. Together, and as a solute in the water, they conduct the bioelectricity of the body.
When you take oral tablets and powders of various magnesium compounds (magnesium joined to another element), they have to be digested in the stomach using hydrochloric acid. The older we get the less stomach acid we make and the more difficult it gets to digest. Also, after the body separates the magnesium from the other element it joins the magnesium to chloride so it can gain access to the cells.
All this takes a lot of extra time before you feel the benefit of the magnesium and by the time it can get through the bowel wall several hours later it is a much smaller quantity that is available for cells than if you soaked in magnesium chloride solution (magnesium flakes in water) or applied it to the skin as a magnesium skin care product.
When you take too much magnesium supplement orally the bowel contents become loose and watery, finding their way into the toilet well before you get the benefit of all that magnesium.
Remember, the body takes what it needs and no more – just like the tree roots take up minerals from the soil but no more than the tree needs. It is naturally self-regulating.

Why is Trans-dermal Absorption Better?
Magnesium is now becoming a big revolution in natural health as industrialized societies suffer more and more under stress and are looking for ways to compensate without relying on drugs or surgery. Trans-dermal absorption of magnesium salts is the best way to absorb magnesium, as no digestion of tablets is required.
Only a very small amount of oral magnesium tablets and powders gets digested and passes through the gut wall to the inner tissue areas of the body where it is mostly used. The majority of these oral magnesium supplements are expelled by the digestive system and can cause diarrhea.
Transdermal absorption is much more efficient and works more quickly with calming effects being felt within minutes of massaging into skin or soaking in a hot magnesium solution foot soak or bath. It is using the same dermal pathways as sweating which releases electrolytes from the skin. The skin is also capable of absorbing electrolytes back in as long as they are in the right form. You can also do it by swimming in the ocean or bathing in mineral rich hot springs.
Massaging with Elektra Magnesium products delivers the magnesium and other elements and nutrients more conveniently to the skin. From the skin (epidermis) the body takes up what it needs via the tiny capillaries of the dermis under the skin and is self-regulating. It does not take up any more than it needs at one time (like tree roots taking up minerals from the soil). Unlike drugs or herbs, you cannot overdose. (Ref: Trans-dermal Magnesium Study Via Magnesium Cream). It’s just nutrition provided to the largest organ of the body – the skin.
Feeding the body by feeding the skin makes a lot of sense… and feels sooooo good!
In this short Magnesium Presentation, Sandy Sanderson, CEO at Elektra Magnesium, outlines the growing problem of magnesium deficiency and symptoms in over-stressed industrialized societies, and how to recover from stresses by transdermally supplementing magnesium using personal care products made in Australia using natural and organic ingredients (no petrochemicals, no parabens, no dimethicone, no phenoxyethanol, no animal products and not tested on animals… also fair trade shea butter).
Cramps are a Result of Dehydration and Loss of Magnesium
When magnesium is lost excessively the cell membrane becomes compromised and ‘looser’ because the electrical charge drops. That means the cell wall is not as good anymore at holding in electrolytes. The membrane starts to lose integrity, potassium can leak out and the cell also loses water, leading to excessive dehydration. This loosening effect also allows in more calcium and sodium, which are larger molecules. Some athletes have suffered cardiac arrest (heart muscle cramp) in the middle of a marathon when magnesium levels got critically low and too much water was lost.

When the body becomes dehydrated it moves to a water-conserving and rationing status. It releases vasopressin – a hormone which constricts blood vessels so that more water is shunted to the brain, as the brain must take priority with water usage. If the body is in a state of drought it will also message the kidneys to retain more sodium, which then retains more water and can lead to tissue swelling (oedema). In this state the proper elimination of toxins and wastes is diminished and can lead to septic conditions. The best remedy is to give the body the water and electrolytes it needs to flush out wastes, allowing the kidneys and waste elimination system to return to normal.
Why are Magnesium Chloride Flakes Better Than Oral Tablets and Powders?
Chloride is the most abundant negative ion in the body. For us to be able to use the metals of magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium etc, they need to be bound to chloride to be ionised and fully absorbed into the water molecule – in a sense swallowed up by the water. In that form (eg. magnesium chloride, sodium chloride) the electrolytes are biologically available.
Together, and as a solute in the water, they conduct the bio-electricity of the body. The ‘cation’ of magnesium in ‘magnesium chloride’ is bound up with chloride ‘anions’ so that the compound shares electrons in the outer shell to become stable. It becomes easily soluble in water, and therefore more accessible to cells.

Compounds such as magnesium oxide that are much less soluble are therefore less accessible to cells. Magnesium chloride however, once dissolved in water, gets access to cells without further digestion required.
Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate is ideal because it is a compound of magnesium chloride bound up in a crystal matrix of six water molecules – hence the name ‘hexa-hydrate’. This is the form that occurs in naturally dehydrated sea water after skimming off the sodium chloride part (to make table salt). The chemical notation is MgCl2.6H20. The crystal salt flakes are usually 47-48% magnesium chloride, 1-2% other sea trace minerals, with the other half of the flakes being crystalized water.

This is why the flakes are so hygroscopic – that is, their ‘charge’ attracts water from the atmosphere and they can start to ‘sweat’ and become sticky if there are humid conditions and they are exposed to air. If left out long enough, they will become fully saturated with the water and turn back into the liquid magnesium salt solution called ‘magnesium oil’ (which came from the brine that came from the sea water). The magnesium chloride in crystalized or liquid form just contains less or more water.
When you take oral tablets and powders of various magnesium compounds (magnesium joined to another element), they have to be digested in the stomach using hydrochloric acid. The older we get the less stomach acid we make and the more difficult it gets to digest. Also, after the body separates the magnesium from the other element and the tablet’s fillers and binders, it joins the magnesium molecule to chloride for solubility and access to cells.
All this takes a lot of extra time before you feel the benefit of the magnesium. By the time it can get through the bowel wall several hours later it is a much smaller quantity that is available for cells than if you soaked in magnesium chloride solution (magnesium flakes in water) or applied it to the skin as a magnesium skin care product.
The gut wall can only take up a small dilution of magnesium – such as what would be in spring water or foods. Higher concentrations are eliminated via the digestive system. Scientists have found that, “the absorption of magnesium decreased with increasing magnesium concentrations.” This is why high concentrations in oral supplements tend to be wasted so much.
When you take too much magnesium supplement orally the bowel contents become loose and watery, finding their way into the toilet well before you get the benefit of all that magnesium. Via the skin there is no digestion required because the magnesium chloride solution is already in the right form for cellular uptake. You can feel the benefit of the magnesium much sooner and absorb a higher quantity. Remember, the body takes what it needs, but no more – just like the tree roots take up minerals from the soil but no more than the tree needs. It is naturally self-regulating.